"If I find in myself desires nothing in this world can satisfy,
I can only conclude that I was not made for here
If the flesh that I fight is at best only light and momentary,
then of course I'll feel nude when to where I'm destined I'm compared
Speak to me in the light of the dawn
Mercy comes with the morning
I will sigh and with all creation groan as I wait for hope to come for me
Am I lost or just found? On the straight or on the roundabout of the wrong way?
is this a soul that stirs in me, is it breaking free, wanting to come alive?
Cause my comfort would prefer for me to be numb
An avoid the impending birth of who I was born to become
For we, we are not long here
Our time is but a breath, so we better breathe it
And I, I was made to live, I was made to love, I was made to know you
Hope is coming for me
Hope, He's coming"
-C.S. Lewis Song, Brooke Fraser
Just loving this song lately.
Today was a prayer-filled day. Usually I talk to God through worship, but today he said prayer. That's all I could do. I had trouble staying in worship this morning and all I could do was pray. Which was cool, it was different. :]
Also. It's March. A quick review:
-I got a good friend, but I think that is all he will be. And that is fine! :]
-Charlie told me that "Jesus is a good boyfriend". I'm cool with dating Him for now. Haha.
-I've had some whacked out dreams!
-I am totally content with being single.
-I love my major.
-There are some awesome girls at this school.
-My siblings are growing up so fast. I like my sister's haircut and might have to copy her haha.
-I think I've almost officially broken out of my shell. Holler.
-God is basically really awesome.
-I miss cooking and home-cooked meals.
Picture of the Day: My Major is Better Than Yours!

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