You’re the center of the universe
Everything was made in You Jesus
Breath of every living thing
Everyone was made for You
You hold everything together
You hold everything together
Christ be the center of our lives
Be the place we fix our eyes
Be the center of our lives
We lift our eyes to heaven
We wrap our lives around your life
We lift our eyes to heaven, to You
-Center, Charlie Hall
God has been really great. I've been incredibly busy, but I have been really enjoying getting into the word.
I'm starting up James.
Recently, I've read a lot about "taming the tongue" and how slanderous talk "corrupts the whole body". Yikes!
I'm thinking about going on a gossip fast.
Isn't it sad that I need to fast from gossip?
Regardless, I think it would be a really rewarding time to analyze my behavior and see how I can act in my faith.
That's another thing, faith without deeds is dead.
James has taught me to stop claiming a faith that isn't acted out. I'm working on that too :].
This week is crazy.
Tomorrow is the first day of shooting for "Cookies". I'm praying that all goes well.
I'm 2nd AD, which is really exciting. I have an actual job! Haha.
Also, my birthday is soon and I don't know what to do for it yet. The beach would be great. But it might be too cold.
I wish it were cold enough to go snowboarding.
That would be great.
Picture of the Day: Amoeba Pancake

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