Realization #2: Regent has not been equipping me spiritually. I've been at Liberty for less that 24 hours and I can see the spirit of the school and have especially seen how much Emily has grown. Honestly, I have not been growing enough at Regent. I'm not pushed to grow in my faith. Everything is so lax that we seem to forget that we are at a Christian university; the only time we seem to remember is when we go to church on Sunday. RU Global is great, but we need another plan to improve the spiritual growth of students.
Realization #3: Gossiping needs to stop. I was doing so well until, haha, I came to Regent. That's all everyone seems to do is talk about each other. I'm totally sick of it. I read this in Proverbs this morning...
"Without wood a fire goes out; without gossip a quarrel dies down" [Proverbs 26: 20]
I'm need to stand up for myself and say no, I won't gossip anymore.
Well. On a brighter note :], yesterday was SO MUCH FUN. After playing in the snow, Em and I came inside and cooked dinner. We got into a fight with the water hose and both wound up really wet. Then later Emily pushed my cup into my face so I spilled more water on me, so I took sips of her water and spat it on her :]. Ohhh the joys of friendship!
Today is going to be beautiful! I'm meeting Kristi for lunch and then probably playing in the snow with Em and her boyfriend Stevie. Visiting Emily was a great idea.
Be blessed.
Picture of the Day: W1-L1

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