Let me list why:
1. Cookies shoot was probably my favorite shoot thus far. We had such a tight crew. Totally digging it. Loved the experience!
2. Workouts with Bekah, Chelsea, Isaiah, and Jordan are a blast :].
3. I have amazing friends who lifted a butt load of stress by planning a party for me.
4. The youth of CCC are awesome and I am loving the opportunity to act as a leader!
5. I have a great friend whose name starts with Cl and ends with airisse. We like coffee.
6. There is a new elephant in the family. His name is Dragon.
7. I can't emphasize how amazing the people in my life are. At home and at school; you guys are great!
8. Scoops!
9. God is always good, James 5:16 ["The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective"]
10. Filmmaking is my PASSIIOOONNN.
This week has been great mainly because of people. People who are passionate, loving, caring, considerate, and who give good hugs :]. I am incredibly blessed and incredibly thankful.
Picture of the Day: Classy Ladies

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