My life is crazy. For real. Like, I need to find myself some free time. And thank you Professor Cunningham, thank you for taking away the onnnnee free day of my week. Thank you for assigning the 5 page biography due on my day off. You're the best.
Lol. Okay. I'm so ADD today. I talked to my mom on the phone this morning and jumped from topic to topic to topic. Speaking of my mom, my parents will be visiting in 11 days! I'm really excited :].
Random Thoughts...
I need to get to the gym. I don't care if it's late.
Junk food and I need to end our relationship.
I'm wearing boys pajama pants right now. They are green with navy moose on them.
I know that God is calling me to wait. I've always had trouble being patient, but this has been so hard. Lord, help me to say strong.
"Ayyyyyyyyeee! I love my pantelones! They fit me oh so tight! They make me smile with delight!"
I miss Katie, Meredith, and Emily
I have a lot of things to edit this week.
Please pray that God will inspire me to write a song. I'm just waiting for the right words to sing.
"Carried to the Table" is an awesome song.
I hope I heard You correctly...
Really, I'm leaving for the gym now.
Picture of the Day: Cinnamon!!

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