Today is busy.
Tomorrow is busy.
I don't think there will be a time this semester when I won't be busy.
Today's been a lot of work. I'm finishing up my RUC office hours as we speak. And I've got a buttload to do when I get home.
There is a light at the end of the tunnel. I'm going to the beach tonight.
It won't be until like, 11 p.m. but my lovely roommate Olivia and I are planning to go.
Which means I will have to park in the Comm lot tonight, but it will be worth it.
The beach is definitely one of my ways to de-stress. I'm so glad I chose a college close to the ocean. I don't think I could have lived without the sand, seagulls, warm waves, and cool breeze. :]
With all this stress and busyness, I can't help but miss my family. I don't know when I will get to see them next, but this picture will keep me going until I see them :]
Be blessed,
Picture of the Day: Never a Dull Moment

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