With a crazy night running to visit my friend at the ER, staying with her a bit, waking up with a buttload of work that by the end of the day still didn't get done, somehow, today has been soothing.
My bedroom usually isn't my place to rest and study. If you know anything about me, one thing is I am almost never in my bedroom. I always do my homework in the living room or hallway. However, today my room was tranquil and soothing. It smells like lilacs and I have pandora tuned in to Hillsong music. Today has been a beautiful day, in some way I really can't explain.
Something I've been trying to figure out lately is whether I am understanding God correctly. I think I am. I really really hope I am. It would be great if I heard Him right. It's like this: God's like, "Christen, wait. Wait for my time so you can have this gift. Yes, that. It'll come, but you need to wait and you need to trust me and concentrate on a relationship with me before you get to this other thing." I'm not going to go in to specifics, but lately I've been getting slightly anxious. When I think about it, I really don't have to wait too long, but if God's saying what I think He's saying, then I am one excited girl! I need to trust!
Also, LOVE this:
"God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect" [Hebrews 11:40, NIV]
Picture of the Day: Gotta Love 'Em!

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