Owl City is so cool. Check them out on myspace.
I wish I didn't have to write an emo post, but if I'm writing about my life and the happenings within it, then I guess it's inevitable.
Eric dislocated his shoulder. Man that sucks! I feel so bad. I talked with Katie last night and we both want to be home. I hate when crap happens in Jersey and I can't be there for support. God has a reason for keeping me in Virginia and Katie in Massachusetts, so I need to find hope in His ultimate plan.
I came across Psalm 86 like, two weeks ago and I really just need to follow it. I especially like verses 11-12...
"Teach me your way, O Lord, and I will walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name. I will praise you, O Lord my God, with all my heart; I will glorify your name forever"
I realize that I need to be giving more time to God. I've been spreading myself too thin and haven't been really dedicated to my walk with Christ. I can't expect God to work and fix things if I'm not putting effort into our relationship. That's what I've really been thinking about lately.
How can I make my relationships real, honest, and God-centered?
Picture of the Day: Riders, Friends, Brothers and Sisters in Christ

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