jesus, snowboarding, new jersey, film & elephants
today was rainy. i walked from the student center to robertson hall and noticed all the people with umbrellas. they're so funny looking, umbrellas. it's entertaining to watch people as they walk and the umbrella just bobs up and down. you can't see the person's face, because the colored umbrella covers their face. this has been today's observation. :].
i'm not using capitalization in this post. fyi.
so i got the frisbee league schedule in today. i'm the team captain. my team is playing this saturday at 11 a.m. come watch us dominatee! i am so stoked. i need my frisbee time. :]
yesterday i went to bible study with pastor cheri at starbucks. we read luke 24. here's what really stuck out to me. i encourage you to read verses 13-32, if not the whole chapter.
"when [jesus] was at the table with them, he took bread, gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them. then their eyes were opened and they recognized him, and he disappeared from their sight." luke 24:30-31
if you read from verse 13, you will see that jesus walked with the disciples all day, but it took until the breaking of the bread to recognize that jesus actual sat among them. i wonder, have i missed an opportunity to hear god's voice? has jesus been speaking and i am too busy and focused on worldly things that i missed his words? if the disciples, the men who seemed to know jesus best, didn't realize that the lord was sitting right in front of them, how will i, only knowing christ through faith, be able to hear his words?
i need to be observant. i need to shut up and start listening. my prayers have been full of "god, help me with this, heal this person, be with so and so, thank you for this" etc, etc. maybe i need to stop talking and let god say what he needs to say.
picture of the day: i miss this
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