Sunday, November 22, 2009

D.C. Lovin'

I haven't loved broadcast journalism this much since my prime TV years in the first half of high school. This past weekend I spent time visiting FOX News, The Washington Post, the National Press Club, and the Newseum with Regent's journalism department. Along with three professors, my group of 16 students travelled through Washington D.C. in an effort to further our journalism learning experience. While we were there, seven of us attended a FAMILY FORCE 5 CONCERT! They were SO AMAZING.

The trip was an incredible time of fellowship, fun, learning, and practice as a journalist. Thanks for my professors and fellow students for making this trip so memorable.

More details to come, perhaps in article or video form? Most definitely :].

Picture of the Day: Memorial to Fallen Journalists [Newseum exhibit]

Video of the Day: I forgot to post this when I finished it. Here is my "Real World video" aka my life at college :] This was a journalism project.