Social Life.
In my college experience I have discovered that one of these three must be sacrificed in order to have the other two. The girl down the hall from me goes to sleep by 11, thus giving up her social life. My friend upstairs forgets that his assignments are due because he's busy with friends. As for me, I have not had a reallll night's sleep [we'll say at least eight hours] since... oh.... I forget. I need to start sleeping. I'm doing well in school and have been meeting a lot of new people, but right now I am exhausted! And my body is starting to regret it. Uh oh... :[
So here I am a week in, focusing on school and my social life. My classes are AH-MAZ-ING. Love 'em all! Sans Philosophy because it's online. Not digging the online class thang.
I've been to the beach a few times, baked A LOT [maybe too much, lol] and have been making an effort to hit the gym every day. So far, so good. Except there has been a lot of drama already, DUN DUN DUN! :[ Not down with that, especially since we're only one week into the semester. However, things are clearing up, so that's good.
I'm planning on Daniel fasting it soon, I'm feeling led, so we'll see where that goes.
Let's see, what else is worth saying...
Oh, true. I won at Apples to Apples. Holllllllleeerrr!
Picture of the Day: Today is Keith's Birthday

Great post, Cristen!! You are exactly right--it is so hard to balance the three "S"s. I have been thinking the same thing. Like last night, I studied and slept, but didn't socialize. Earlier in the week, I socialized a little too much and put off studying and sleeping. Argh!!! Perhaps we'll learn sooner or later.
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