September 11 always make me sad. I always feel the need to tell where I was on September 11 because I remember the day pretty vividly. I remember sitting in my sixth grade math class with Mr. Basiak. A teacher came into our classroom and asked if anyone had parents who worked in New York City, saying that traffic would be really bad getting home. Keep in mind I'm from Jersey and soooo many people commute to work in the city.
It wasn't until I went home that I found out what was going on. I walked through the door and looked for my mom; I discovered her sitting in the basement in front of the TV with tears down her face. That was when I saw it. Across the television screen were people running from smoke and the World Trade Center tumbling to the ground. In an instant I was sobbing. I was so scared! I cried basically all day. I met my brother when he hopped off the bus and told him the news, and within minutes we were all glued to the TV. I had vocabulary homework to do for science that day, but it took me hours to do because I was so distracted. I was afraid that a plane would hit my house and hurt my family. My dad finally came home and our whole family was just sad and in awe of how something so terrible could happen. Corinne's uncle died in the towers, along with so many more.
The next day my dad took us to a park where you could see smoke from the towers across the bay. Red Bank had a memorial over at the Waterfront Park, with countless candles, pictures, and flowers in remembrance of those lost. There were so many "Have you seen this person?" pictures. :[ Months later, we went to another park area and saw the two tall lights that replaced the towers. 9/11 always gets to me. If it's 9:11 p.m., I need to see the clock turn to 9:12. I'm always remembering that day.
how can i stand here with you and not be moved by you?
Last night's awake was incredibly moving. God has my life in his hands and I am SO confident of that. I know He will provide for me and do great things for my life. Last night was a time of surrender, of humbleness, and praise. God is so good and I am so thankful.
I feel like there is more that I needed to say. If I remember, I will post it.
Picture of the Day: I love my Family!

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