I went home this weekend. Here are the thoughts I gathered over the weekend. Enjoy.
family accent
I realized whenever someone in my family gets angry, the Jersey accent comes out. Exhibit A- Charlie defending himself. Here's a paraphrased account of what happened in my house the other day. Imagine this scenario with a Jersey accent.
[Catherine walks in the house with pens in her back pocket]
Mom: "Catherine, you shouldn't put pens in your back pocket, ask ya brother."
Charlie [slightly angered]: "Mom, what are ya tawking about? I don't put pens in my pockets!"
End scene.
I know I have blogged about this before, however, after being home I feel the need to reiterate how stupid some drivers are. A few things:
1. Please use your blinker.
2. Go the speed limit, especially if you are in the left lane.
3. Do not flash your lights telling me to get out of your way when there is another car in front of me.
4. It is unnecessary to come to a complete stop when going through EZ-Pass
5. Green means "go," not "stay where you are."
6. Virginia, please take your green arrows and turn them into "left turn yields to traffic," signs. I'm tired of sitting at red arrows when the traffic is clear for me to turn.
7. Pennsylvania caravan, double check your directions so you know when to get onto the parkway. That way, Charlie won't beep at you and you won't be stuck on the median trying to get in the line of traffic.
There is nothing like running on the boardwalk back home. It makes me want to run all the time. Running three miles at school does not compare to running three miles by the water. This weekend the weather was cool, sunny, and slightly breezy. The water was navy blue and a teal green. Absolutely beautiful. How could you not love running when you are beside such an awesome creation? With that being said, I want to run. I want to get back into running shape. I miss it. I want it.
jesus time
Just being honest, I haven't been in the Word as much as I would like to. I'm crazy busy. I stay up late doing stupid things like playing cards, or working out way too late. I lose sleep and neglect to spend time with God. I let my friends down when I fail to read my Bible. For instance, I had a friend this week who needed encouragement. Did I have God-inspired Scripture to give her? No, because I hadn't read my Bible in almost a week. I would appreciate accountability in my Bible reading, I need to get back on track.
84 days till winter
Goodness I can't wait. I need snow, 360s, boxes, chair lifts, cold air, powdered trees, brother bonding time, open trails, butters, flat spins, aching legs, and goggle tans. I miss it. I'm getting anxious just waiting for the snow!! I have my snowboard with me now, so hopefully riding will come soon!
pumpkin spice lattes
It's that time of year again. That is all.
picture of the day: i would