For real.
Hillsong United was OFF. THE. HOOK.
Proobbbably more memorable than the Audio Adrenaline concert.
And Audio A was mad awesome; yeah I was the girl that hand pounded Mark Stewarts hand...
But seriously.
Thanks to some very fortunate "happenings" we got FRONT ROW SEATS!
I was very sweaty.
My calves are sore from jumping.
But the concert was worth it.
The band played so well and led the whole audience into some real intense worship.
Probably the second most powerful worship experience ever.
[The first being the last night of The Masters Inn]
I got a really cool T-shirt to remember the night.
However I do not have pictures because my camera is broken :[.
Either way, concert= incredible and worth every penny!
Oh wait, one more thing.
At one point they opened the doors of the auditorium and the ocean breeze came in.
In other news.
I'm back in Virginia.
I wish I wasn't.
I miss home.
Momma's teeth hurt and I wish I could have stayed longer to help her out around the house and stuff.
Since Mom's out of commission, I wanted to help Daddy at work.
That didn't happen.
I skipped out on Hillsong United concert #2 because I'm really tired.
I didn't get to say goodbye to EMILY or KATIE. [I emphasized these names because I know you guys check to see if I mentioned you in my blog]
This WAS the best Jersey visit so far.
Not to be a downer, but someone please remind me next year not to take summer courses so I could be with my family and friends from home more.
Oh, and Chipotle is awesome.
So is Starbucks and homemade dinners with shrimp and "funny ronis"
Picture of the Day: Now With Added Lyrics!

Hey Christen,
It sounds like you had so much fun at the concert! Concerts are lots of fun, though I haven't been to one in a while. And yes, Chipotle and Starbucks are awesome! :)
P.S. Thanks for your comment on my "tennis" blog post! Lol, my ball came reeeeeally close to going over the fence a few times...I need to practice up some more :) And I love posting pictures...I agree they make the blog more personal. I love the pics on yours too! It makes me feel like I'm in VA :)
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