Second. Maybe it's just me, but remember when the back of cereal boxes would have super fun games and riddles and mazes? I miss that. I am currently eating "Honey Smacks" for breakfast and I am really disappointed in their box. There are no fun or entertaining games on it, just an advertisement for a flash drive you get if you send in 8 box coupons. Also, the box is Star Trek themed. Now, I really enjoyed the new Star Trek movie, but it was rated PG-13. Is a PG-13 movie appropriate for a cereal box that 5 year-olds will be looking at. There's nothing inappropriate on the box, but if kids want to go see the movie, there are sexual-ish scenes and references that are not suitable for the eyes of children under 13. The flash drive prize is recommended for children 8 and up; that's pretty young. Couldn't they have used Up or something instead of Star Trek? I would imagine that most kids eating this cereal would be between the ages of 4 and 13 [with the exception of me haha].
I don't know. These are just my thoughts.
Picture of the Day: The Box that Needs Fixin'!

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