When I say major, I mean an update on my academic major.
I have been thinking a lot about what to do with this “Cinema-Television” major. Regent really focuses on the “cinema” portion of the title, but teaches only a class and half on the “television” part. But in thinking about film and thinking about television, the latter always tends to spark excitement inside of me. I love film. I love studying film. I love watching films. I love the hard work and exhilaration of being on set and shooting a film. However, I really am beginning to feel that the film world is just not my place. The idea of working in news is thrilling. I love the fast paced motion of a live broadcast. You have to make quick decisions, jump on instinct. The director doesn’t have seven takes to get the shot, you’ve got one, you take it, and while the camera is on that talent, you’re setting up two other shots within ten seconds.
I’m remembering high school when TV was it for me. We did gameshows, live broadcasts, news packages, talk shows. I was good at this! I feel like I struggle with the creative end of film, which is kind of odd because I think I am a highly creative individual, but not in a film sense of storytelling. I love features, shooting talent as they tell THEIR story. I have a hard time writing narrative scripts and dialogue. I’m good at voiceovers, the inverted pyramid, piecing together b roll and interviews, and listing the who, what, when, where and why stuff in a one sentence lead.
Another note, I think that the main reason it’s taken me so long to finally say, “I’m going to TV and you can’t stop me” is because of people. And that’s not a bad thing! I love working with my friends, yes, namedrop, Jordan, Josh, Keith, Jenny, Derrick, Dan, and a lot of others. I wanted to be on their projects because I like being around them. If I mention, “I don’t want to go into film” I get the “What? But you’re good at it!” line which always made me change my mind. I think it’s time for me to be okay with the fact that film may not be entirely my thing.
So this all goes to say a few things..
First, I do not plan to “drop” film while at Regent. I am ADing a few films, producing one, and getting some directing experience. And I’m excited about all of these projects! I am not dreading the film work I will do.
Second, I think that I need to make the move and transfer my energies to television and journalism. Next fall I plan to take the new TV courses Regent will be offering. I will probably complete my internship in the broadcast field. I plan to do my senior project as a documentary or news magazine show. I would like to meet with Pam about kicking the television aspect of the major up a notch and see how we can start some sort of extracurricular news program within the university.
Third, God knows what my future will be like. He’s got me covered. My major is honestly something I haven’t really prayed about until recently. No matter what happens, whether I decide on television, film, or basket weaving, I guess I just need to make sure that HE will be glorified in it. “He must become greater, I must become less.” God, be greater, show me Your way for my life, and if it’s through journalism and television, I might just be really happy :].
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