And that was merely the beginning of the cheers, songs, and chants we would hear throughout the weekend. Was this a cheerleading competition? No. A football rally? Nope. Some sort of youth retreat? Nah.
This past weekend, 9 of the 10 Regent RAs, Ben, Brett, Sarah, Gloria, Lauren, Stephen, Tim, Lance, and I, alongside our ring leader, Adam, packed into a 15 passenger van and ultimately engaged in the most encouraging conference I have ever attended: VACUHO Resident Assistant Conference at George Mason University. Keep in mind, it is the RA's job to be encouraging, supportive, and spirited. Now put 400 RAs in a room, dressed in their school t-shirts, and fully armed with school cheers to see what you get.
Everyone was decked out in their school apparel, shared clothespin painted in school colors, and exchanged university paraphernalia. Everyone cheered for each other, shared in the "school color cheer," and shouted "We are proud of you, say we are proud of you *clap clap*" whenever a school presented something.
Each school had to partake in a roll call, you should watch Regent's, found HERE. We won an honorable mention for that one :].
Speaking of winning things...
I was awarded Best New RA in Virginia. Ben, my partner in crime, received the award for Best Overall RA in Virginia.
Yeah, we were stoked. And I am already making plans and thinking of ideas for next year's conference!

Woohoo! That's so exciting and awesome. Congratulations!
This was pretty provided that there are a lot of out there just waiting for the right..
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