Thursday, May 6, 2010

Who is this girl that keeps facebook messaging me?

This is a message for all those Regent bloggers who keep getting e-mails from me telling them to blog...

Hey! I'm Christen. I work with Undergrad Student Services and part of my job is to read your blogs, monitor content, and also encourage you throughout the week :]. I figured it would be helpful to know a little bit about who I am:

I'm 20.
I'm short.
Elephants are my favorite animal.
I am a Cinema Television major.
I think I want to be a producer?
I'm big on fitness and healthy choices.
Snowboarding is my passion.
Jesus is cool.
Oh wait, nevermind, he's the coolest.
My family lives in New Jersey. Yes, the Jersey Shore, and no we do not fist pump.
I have a habit of leaving cabinet doors open.
I love scrapbooking/making other creative pieces.
My biggest fear is getting lice.
I love adventures.
I have gone swimming in the lake under the Common's bridge.

I would love to hear feedback on what I can do to best serve the Regent blogging community. Are my blogging prompts helpful/inspiring? Do you like receiving the blogger e-mails on facebook?

Please let me know how I can support you and build this group of bloggers. I'm already seeing friendships form and my ultimate goal is to see this group really interact and support oneanother.



Juana said...

Yay! I'm short too! And you being an RA makes me a little less nervous about moving on campus :)

Your blogging prompts are definitely much as I love to blog sometimes I need that extra push and/or helpful topic. I don't mind recieving your emails at all!

And if it weren't for blogging, we might not have "met" each other before I got on campus, soooo, yeeeeaaah. How cool is that?! :)