imagine a big pool. of filmmaking. and above the pool is a huge high diving board. i just jumped from that diving board into the pool of awesomeness. this week, while busy, has been fantastic. i am producing the undergrad endowed film, producing and dp a project for cinematography, directed by jordan :]. i am also helping lauren and dan with their shooting schedules. i trained ashley to ad this week and sent isaac a call sheet to use. i submitted my first equipment request and my first tv studio request! so exciting. sometimes i get overwhelmed, but this is all fun work. i think i might wind up as a producer. the whole planning/organizing this is appealing and uses my strengths. :]
day 1 of 3 snowboarding: success! i am sooo much more confident than in the past. it's funny, because i have been snowboarding for years, and i have finally become more comfortable with speed. perhaps it's this new awesome snowboard of mine. today was wonderful. but also very cold. the high was 15 degrees today. my nose was frozen, my fingers and toes were frozen. my eyes teared through my goggles. i got a brain freeze from flying down the slopes. my snot froze, bahahaha. either way. a beautiful day. i'm enjoying the time with my family too :].
picture of the day: flame

Brim over I agree but I about the brief should acquire more info then it has.
Dear anonymous.
Please write sentences that make sense.
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