My friends at Regent are on a constant search for fun. This year might be the most fun year I have ever had. It's not that we go on trips or have a lot of organized fun things. We just look and see fun opportunities upon each new horizon. For instance, last night, after having lots of fun in the Student Center, Nic, Jordan and I had more fun outside of the Comm Building. If you stand in front of this one light that illuminates the building, it casts a HUGE shadow of you, almost the size of the building. So the three of us played "Hi I'm a huge monster/zombie/pterodactyl" until the light shut off. It's moments like these that I really value my fun friendships.
thing 2
I have really missed my Coastlands crew. I have a new appreciation for the church after being distant the past semester. Today was so fun, seeing my friends; such a great time of fellowship.
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Tour was SO long ago. I watched my tour video again today and it brought back such fond, but distant memories. It feels so far away, almost like it never happened. It's weird. I miss it. I miss the people.
People are awesome.
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Catherine is the best sister ever. Here's why:
1. She smells good.
2. She's probably the most spiritually mature 12-year-old I have ever met
3. She has the BEST laugh.
4. She's a lot like me :].
5. Her favorite food is chicken nuggets. Or something... haha.
6. She is beautiful!
7. The girl can rock a pair of purple skinny jeans.
8. She is innocent.
9. She can dance really well to "Low Rider"
10. Her eyes are a sparkling blue.
Picture of the Day: Hmmm... best sister ever?

worst picture ever of me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks sista
Thanks sista
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