I have this weird, uneasy feeling about tomorrow. I don't know why. It's kind of odd. Like, sort of a guilt for receiving presents. This season I got caught up in the festivities and fellowship of Christmas. We had SO much fun at school just singing as we walked to the library, or making gingerbread houses. For me, that's really all I needed this Christmas. I know, that sounds so cheesy, and I DO need the external hard drive and rain boots I asked for, but honestly, I'm going to remember Christmas land and the fun random memories more than the gifts.
I think that when I'm married and it's just be and my FAH, I want to take a Christmas off. No presents, just time with friends, family, and Jesus. Christmas is so much more than gift wrap and things. I think I would really value the "no spending" season.
Also, speaking of plans for the future- I don't think I want a funeral. Who likes going to them? No one. My aunt Leslee passed away this weekend and we went to her funeral this week. Sigh, it was so sad. It made me think "Wow, I don't want to be here, no one else really wants to be here. People just come to 'pay respects.'" So when I die, can we have like... a party instead? Like a "Wow, Christen rocked, she loved Jesus, and snowboarding, and writing in her blog. Let's read that post where she said 'Can we have like... a party instead' LOLOL Christen was great."
I would like that more.
Well, with my cliché rant and strange funeral discussion over, I'm going to bed. Merry Christmas and God bless!
Pictures of the Day: Christmas land!

In Memory of Leslee Rotolo

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