[Colonel Leaphart, this verse always reminds me of you!]
I just started Joshua, I figured I'd hit up the OT for a while, give my buddy Paul a rest :]. Here are my thoughts, you can agree or disagree, but this is just what popped into my head. When I read the line "the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go", I relate it to the verse before it, a verse that I think gets overlooked by the famous Joshua 1:9. "Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth meditate on it day and night so that you may be carful to do everything written in it." By meditating and gaining understanding of the Word, God's presence will become more and more known. I think the process of doing "everything written", makes God more and more evident since our actions are God inspired. He will be with us wherever we go because we also make the decision to hang on to Him. Of course, His omnipresent nature promises that God will always be with us, but His role in our lives is somewhat determined by our choices and desire to have the Lord influence our lives.
On another note, a totally random note. The goslings living in the Regent "lake" have been getting really big. They doubled in size.
Also. I love my job. It's only been a week, but at Oshkosh, I was bored by day 1, I haven't been bored yet. I thoroughly enjoy the "grown up" feeling of a 9 a.m. job, the concept of running out the door in the morning with a cup of coffee. It's an appealing part of life for some reason.
And one more thing. Acceptance is a beautiful feeling. For the firstish time, I really felt accepted by the other youth leaders at church. Sunday night was Kaitlyn's graduation party, and I felt that I belonged to the group of leaders at the party. Totally comforting/ an answer to prayer.
Pictures of the Day:

Strawberry Picking! :]

The girls on the American Rover Boat Ride

Tim, Chris, Me, Christine, Brad, and Jordan at the beach!
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