Sunday, May 31, 2009
Oh, and one more thing.
"I can't shake this fire deep inside my heart"

Thursday, May 28, 2009
Bennys Go Home.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
My blog got a makeover :]

"Have I not commanded you?"

Thursday, May 14, 2009
Lots of fun things.

Monday, May 11, 2009
The busiest not-busy week ever
Saturday, May 9, 2009
A lot of words.

Friday, May 1, 2009
...I've managed to squeeze in some time to post. Life has been incredibly crazy! Let's see, I'm going to recap as quickly as I can.
April 12-18: Meredith and Charlie came to visit!! Ahh, such a blast. We made various forts, played lots of pranks, ate various flavored buffalo wings, and "squeezed the lemon". Such good times. It was great having them in VA with me for a while :].
April 20-24: I basically had RUC stuff EVERRRYYY DAYYY. The BBQ was a success though; we had over 500 people come! More people that at the Chili Bowl! :]
April 27-30ish: Stress! The semester is coming to a close and it’s been crazy trying to get all this work done! I thought I was failing a class [I figured out that I’m really not] so that added on to the temporary stress.
And now, the present situation. I shall elaborate a bit more.
Today was well… certainly interesting to say the least. I handed in a paper, cleaned, made Olivia a cake, then hit up Panera with Micah. Probably the most hilarious part of today; Dollar Tree. Micah and I came across these little ceramic statues that were so funny/creepy looking. We proceeded to laugh a lot. It was nice to not have to worry about school for a little while. Later in the evening was Liv’s party, which was the interesting part.
The party was slightly weird for me. I stuck to my standards and morals, good. I had fun, good. But for some reason I felt unsettled, in a way I really can’t put into words. I prayed a bit during the party actually, just because I want GOD’S will, not the will of the people around me. I want to remain modest and Christ centered, and follow His commands, not the words of other people.
"I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing to the glory that will be revealed to us" -Romans 8:18
Yeah, I'm going to have weird, stressed, awkward, fun, and ugly days, but if I continue down God's path, I know that those days are going be far from the back of my mind when I finally see the amazing plan He has for my life. So I'm thinking that I need to just drop everything and follow Him.
Tomorrow I'm going to Williamsburg. This will be a good time to reflect, sort my thoughts, and escape from the crazy stuff going on at school. Speaking of school, only 2 more days and I'm DONE with my freshman year!
Thanks for reading, sorry for not posting in so long!