I have always loved art. I like to cut, paint, color, draw, paper mache, sculpt, finger paint- all of it. As of late, I have abandoned my more rudimentary means of artistry in exchange for the life of a film student. Typically, directors or directors of photography get the luxury of being more “artistic” on film shoots. I, on the other hand, Miss “Producer Lady” or “Talking Clock” 1st Assistant Director, tend to show my art and creativity through detail oriented call sheets and beautifully organized stripboards [for you non-filmmakers, that’s a fancy word for the schedule]. Admittedly, turning in perfect call sheets is exhilirating, but my inner artist is calling for revival!
On my latest film, ALONE, the crew shot at the house of Joy, an animator and overall artist extraordinare. I came across her art blog and was instantly inspired. First by zentangles, then by all the other potential projects I can get my hands on.
I create a new blog, and purchased a new sketchbook, which will be used to document my new journey as a revived artist.
So please follow me, give me advice, criticism, ideas, prompts, sushi, etc. as I take a step forward in my art endeavors.
My art blog is jerseyowlart.tumblr.com