Second Picture of the Day: FORT!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Fort Take 2
Sometimes my friends and I make forts when my roommates are gone for the weekend.
Okay I just have to share this...
This is my desktop photo right now. Every time I open my computer I laugh a lot.
The end.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Dear Yankees,
Please win the Worlds Series.
Thank you.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Regent :]
So right now I'm at Liberty. Last time I visited Liberty I left with the desire to change things at Regent. I wanted to see Regent flourish spiritually amongst students. I wanted to see more Bible studies and spiritual interaction on a student-to-student basis. The result of that trip was that I was not extremely pleased with Regent's efforts. However this time around, I wouldn't trade it for anything.
Liberty really is a great school. Students are bustling across campus, sitting in class all day, attending events; there is a lot of organized fun and events for students. While Regent isn't at the capacity to have such crazy events and organization, the looseness and trust granted to students has made my college experience very unique.
Rules [or lackthereof] that I appreciate about Regent:
-No curfew: Instead of violating quiet hours, I can be out somewhere else making noise. I can work out at 2 in the morning. I can stay up and finish the movie we started at 11 p.m. I can walk around campus. I love not having the time restriction, it helps me fit in my social life when I need to get my schoolwork in by midnight.
-No dress code: Even though the school doesn't have a dress code, I am still pushed to dress modestly. It creates accountability for me to dress in a God-pleasing manner. I make my own choices, but have to deal and stick with the choices I make. I wear what I wear because it is what I want to put on, not what the school requires. Dressing modestly and honorably is a choice, a choice I am glad I have.
-No room restrictions: I am so glad girls and guys are allowed to hang out in each others rooms. My friends can all meet together for pancake day, or devotionals, or movie time. I have made some really great guy friends and I don't know how well those friendships would have formed if we could not hangout in each other's living space.
Also, while Regent doesn't have football, or a year-round snowboarding slope, there is a lot of room for me to make my own fun. Some of my favorite memories are of me and my friends building forts, cooking, pitching tents, hardcore parkouring, playing volleyball in the rain and going strawberry picking.
Dear Regent,
Even though sometimes I wish you were more like other colleges, I love you and am glad you are the college I go to.
Love, Christen
Picture of the Day: Regent I larve you.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Tonight Charlie spoke at youth group about worship and what it means to truly praise the Lord. Worship can be expressed in so many different forms, from working with people, to playing music, to teaching. While Charlie talked, my mind was running. Here are my thoughts...
I miss leading worship.
My senior year of high school I collaborated with a super sick group of high school kids from First Baptist Red Bank and started a youth praise band. Having a full youth band was something the church had never seen before and it was awesome to be the start of its roots. Between practicing, leading for youth group/church and prepping chords, lyrics, and powerpoints, my mind seemed to constantly be in a mode of worship. Worship was so much more than just singing and playing piano, there was a whole set of things that added up to this worship experience. Now, I play from time to time on worship teams, or lead chapel every once in a while, but it is entirely different from my past on the FBC youth team. With the youth group, my worship came in so many forms, especially in the form of leadership. I don't mean this in a cocky way, but being the "band leader" was so special. I connected with God in a way that I never have before because I was truly pushed by HIM to lead people through music. I never improvised or used only chords on piano until this time, and to be able to pick up a set of chords and play now is truly an act of God. I was stretched, but God worked in me. Now, I am usually under someone else's leadership, and it is mad different than being the typical leader. And that's okay! This is a new season in my life, but I just realized how much I miss the way things used to be.
Where was my heart today?
Every time I come home and visit FBC, the Sunday morning worship is usually so difficult for me to engage in. The congregation feels cold, clapping is awkward, and raising hands is scare. I understand that everyone has their own way of worshipping, and that's totally cool; however, I often feel limited in how I can express my praise. A lot of it has to do with my distaste for the song choices, or the way the songs are played, but I have to question my heart. I think I have hardened my heart towards the worship at FBC and it really isn't fair.
And honestly, Project 245 youth, I think you've done the same thing. We laugh, we clap off beat on purpose, and imitate guitar strumming, and sure, it's funny, but why can't we worship like we do at youth group or at camp? I know that today was the 325935739058th time we sang "Shout to the Lord," but is that any reason to resist worship? I recognize that my heart wasn't where it should have been today due to my own flesh; my desire to do things my way and in my timing. Why was I able to truly engage in worship tonight when Charlie played, but not this morning when the adult band played? It was a matter of choice. Guys, I think we've put off addressing this way too long. Even though we may have decided to lack enthusiasm in church this morning, God was still in that service, waiting to see us lift up our voice and praise Him! I feel like a jerk just being like, "Sorry God, this person is leading worship right now and they've played this song too many times for me to 'get anything' out of this." It's not fair to God. I don't mean to sound preachy, but through this whole thing I am speaking straight to myself.
So what can I do?
I have such a desire to write music. God's done so much in my life and singing and playing is my favorite way to worship. I am working on learning guitar so I will be able to pick up the instrument and worship on the go. It's tough to transport a baby grand :]. I know I need to be in a worshipful mood all day, every day, so I can worship in class, when I write my papers, P90X, etc. Charlie boy, you really got me thinking about what I need to do and how I need to be worshipping. God is good, He will provide, I am stoked to see where He's going to move me within the next few months. :]
"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."- Colossians 3:16-17
Video of the day: FBCRBYGPB
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Husband to-be? Oh goodness.
Based on my recent silly/immature behavior, my roommates decided that my husband is going to have to be the "special, stop eating the paste" type of guy. With that, Sarah, Olivia and I wrote lists of necessary qualities we would like in our husbands. My list is at follows...

-Eat paste
-Be crazy
-Love snowboarding
-Be absolutely, completely in love with Jesus
-Play with Play-doh
-Appreciate the German Good voice/elephants
-Not be a Benny
-Play with candle wax
-Be a good hugger/affectionate
-Dig working out
-Be a spiritual leader
-Communicate in person, no texts/ims
-Encourage with Scripture
-Like playing sports (especially those that are ultimate/extreme)
-Like coffee
-Like random adventures
-Be a Mac user
-Enjoy playful water/shaving cream, etc. fights
-Love to worship
-Be funny
-Attempt to live a healthy dietary lifestyle
-Hardcore Parkor/play Hot Lava
-Be a good kisser, haha!
-Love my family/be bffs with Charlie.
I love my roommates. Our lists are posted on our wall. Haha
Picture of the Day: 317 Girls

Monday, October 5, 2009
Update of Life...
Right now, it is 2:27 a.m. and I am beginning this post.
So. What's been going on in my life? Well, everything. Let's make a list, shall we?
1. Myla shoot this week: Crazy, high TI levels, but overall a valuable learning experience.
2. Screenwriting homework: I really like formatting scripts, probably because I am so OCD with things like proper spacing, alignment and evenness, I'm definitely digging my script formatting assignment.
3. The neXt: I'm in charge of expressions for the month of October. Week 1- success! Cool expressions, good coffee, fun times :].
4. P90X Kenpo: So tight. It felt nice to throw some punches and bring out some powerful kicks. Good times.
5. Storyboarding: I told Derrick I would draw storyboards for him. Something new to try. I'm down.
6. 1st ADing: Note to everyone, I really like 1st ADing, so ask me to work on your projects.
7. Piano: Haven't played in a while, definitely missing it.
8. Food shopping: Apparently most people say "grocery shopping" instead of "food shopping." I've used the term "food shopping" all of my life. Hmm...
9. Green tea: I am drinking green tea right now and it is amazing.
10. Please read 1 Samuel 2:13-17 in NIV: Then read it in KJV. HILARIOUS. God, You're a funny dude :].
11. Snowboarding: T-minus 77 days until winter.
12. Chicken Fajitas: Excellent choice for lunch with friends.
13. Apple Pie Coffee: Yes, I made that today. Holler.
14. Devotionals: Gabrielle, Jordan, Nic, and I have been doing Devos together. It's been pretty sweet, early, but certainly rewarding.
15. God: He's a cool dude :].
Picture of the Day: Roommates at the Bier Garden

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