And I'm just beginning a post. I have been requested to write a post, and I apologize for not writing in a while. Honestly, I do not have inspiration or the energy to write at the moment.
But, just so you know whhyyy I haven't written, it's because...
a). Charlie and Meredith came to visit
b). I had a final project due for one of my CTV classes.
c). The RUC barbecue is tomorrow and I've been doing RUC stuff alllll day evvverryyyy day this week.
d). I need to sleep at some point in the day!
When I get a chance, I will explain how life is, what God's doing, what my plans are, etc. but give me a few more days until the craziness of the end of spring semester blows over.
Thanks for reading! :]
[Blogger is taking too long to upload pictures and I want to sleep. A picture of the day will be up next post]
I ran about two miles today. It was the hardest two miles I've run in a whileeeeee. I've run 4 times in the past week and today was by far the most difficult to finish. Maybe it's the Jersey air.
Random Thought #2
Oh yeah, I'm in Jersey for the weekend :]. It's always kind of weird when I come home, it's like I have to fit back in, which usually isn't too hard, but I always seem to come back when Katie and Emily aren't here. It's like a piece is still missing without them. Regardless of my sometimes mixed feelings, it's good to be home :]. The beach here is as nice as when I left it. Part of me is contemplating changing my summer plans around so I can spend more time here, but then I remembered that I'm paying rent through July 31. Haha.
Random Thought #3
If you want to change, you can do it. You can be who you want to be and do what you want to do if you put in an adequate amount of effort. You can grow if you desire to grow.
Random Thought #4
Regent people have definitely been missed :]
Random Thought #5
My family has a tradition of dying Easter eggs the night before Easter. I'm eciittteddd [pronounced es-eye-ted]. I have some fun, funky ideas for eggs this year. And yes, mom bought TYE DYE Easter egg dye. I have no idea how that will work, but I'm pumped.
Yesterday was the first Sunday in my entire life that I did not go to church on Palm Sunday. I was on a film shoot, which was sooo amazing, but I am almost disappointed in myself. Palm Sunday was such a crucial day in biblical history. Matthew 21 describes the citizens of Jerusalem as they lay down their cloaks and palm branches in the middle of the road and shouted "Hosanna in the highest!" A footnote in my Bible says that "hosanna" means "Save!" At this point, Jerusalem admitted that they needed a Savior, saying "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!"
And to think that within a week, those same people would betray Jesus and demand his crucifixion. It's crazy. We cover up this insanely emotional, spiritual, sad and glorious week of Easter with imaginary rabbits, plastic grass, new dresses, and white shoes. Maybe this post is cliche, but I really think that the majority of society forgets why Easter is celebrated.
I find myself overseeing the fact that Christ suffered for me and on Easter, through his own power, was resurrected. I would bet that most Christians forget. Society is almost numb to the seriousness of Easter. Psalm 119:81 reads "My soul faints with longing for your salvation." Why aren't we all fainting?! Why aren't we shouting "Hosanna! We need a Savior!" I want to splash water on the world and say "Look! Jesus conquered death. He is the Savior of the world! Can't you see that?"
Really, I don't want to seem all "holier than thou" because I am basically preaching to myself in this post. Nevertheless, my pray is that this Easter will be different. I pray that we will take the time to analyze ourselves and get down on our knees. Are we really in need of Jesus? Have we forgotten about his sacrifice? Will we make the choice to focus on Him this Easter rather than the eggs?
VIDEO of the Day: Hosanna [the first song our youth band played during a church service!]
As a young, enthusiastic undergraduate student, I am thrilled to be a part of the on-campus community in the Regent Commons. My hall is a place where I can thrive spiritually, socially, and academically alongside 29 other girls who are in the same phase of life as me. Plus, the Commons hosts boat races, Mafia Wars, and other fun undergrad events.
Regent prays. The Lord’s presence is in ever y classroom, conference room, residence hall, and building. Students, faculty, and staff pray with and for each other. God’s power radiates from the campus, making Regent a powerful place to study.
My specific degree:
12 hour work days, 4 hours of sleep per night, 3 cups of coffee a day and a camera, laptop, and blank reports on standby make up the life of a Cinema Television (CTV) major. Whether I decide to sit at a news desk or stand knee deep in the feature film industry, Regent’s CTV program has prepared me technically, mentally, and spiritually to enter the film and television world.